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contoh kalimat turtle

"turtle" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Afterwards, she heard the footsteps of the turtle
    Setelah itu, dia mendengar langkah kaki sang kura-kura
  • Hey, Danny, you wanna come see my turtle?
    Hei, Danny, Anda ingin datang melihat kura-kura saya?
  • Can we go to Turtle Beach with them?
    Bisakah kita pergi ke Pantai Kura-kura dengan mereka?
  • Sure you're trying to protect the turtle?
    Kau yakin mau melindungi kura - kura ini ?
  • I'm asking you ever tried turtle jelly before?
    Saya meminta Anda pernah mencoba penyu jelly sebelumnya?
  • It's a turtle. (The answer of Team Avengers is a turtle.)
    Kita baru menyelesaikan permainan pertama.
  • Kim su han mu, a turtle and a crane
    Kim su han mu, kura-kura dan crane
  • Now... see, you guys are that turtle, okay?
    Sekarang... Liat, kalian adalah kura kura itu, oke?
  • It's modeled on the breathing of a water turtle.
    Hal ini dimodelkan pada pernapasan kura-kura air.
  • You look like a Ninja Turtle, all right? Take it easy.
    Kalian seperti kura-kura ninja, tenanglah.
  • I'm missing my hard disc drive and turtle very much
    Aku merindukan hardiskku dan kura--kura milikku
  • But I still can't find the turtle badge
    Tetap saja aku belum bisa menemukan Lencana kura-kuraku
  • Yi Sun-Shin's turtle ship had just burned down.
    Kapal Kura-Kura Yi Sun-Shin baru saja terbakar habis.
  • We don't even have any turtle ship this time!
    Kita tak lagi memiliki Kapal Kura-Kura !
  • And it's sticking out, you know, kinda like a turtle head.
    Ini mencuat, seperti kepala kura-kura.
  • We think there's something fishy about this turtle.
    Kami pikir ada yang mencurigakan dengan kura-kura ini.
  • As soon as the sun goes down, it's turtle time.
    Saat matahari terbenam, waktunya Kura-kura beraksi.
  • And that is why we call him the Turtle.
    Dan itu sebabnya kita menyebutnya The Turtle.
  • Literally, Charapa is the name of a turtle.
    Secara fisik, Guto adalah nama untuk semacam obor.
  • "The Hawksbill Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata)". turtles.org.
    Diakses tanggal 2007-02-05. ^ "The Hawksbill Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata)". turtles.org.
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