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contoh kalimat unabridged

"unabridged" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • The "unabridged users guide to all things Kryptonian"?
    The "lengkap panduan pengguna untuk segala sesuatu Krypton "?
  • "Unabridged Agony") was produced in 1985 as the first film.
    "Unabridged Agony") diproduksi tahun 1985 sebagai film pertama.
  • Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) (2007). "nikkei".
    Diakses tanggal 2007-02-02. ^ a b Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) (2007). "nikkei".
  • I need the actual case file... unabridged.
    Aku mau arsip aslinya... Tanpa sensor.
  • An unabridged edition of Anne Frank's work was published in 1995.
    Sebuah edisi lengkap buku harian Anne Frank diterbitkan pada tahun 1995.
  • There have been four unabridged audiobook recordings of the novel.
    Sejauh ini ada dua buku suara non-ringkas yang direkam dari novel ini.
  • The first visible track, which will later complete with the eaves bar, remains unabridged.
    Lagu yang terlihat pertama, yang nantinya akan lengkap dengan bilah atap, tetap tidak dirinci.
  • An unabridged audiobook edition was released in 2011, narrated by Richard Dawkins and Lalla Ward.
    Versi audionya dirilis oleh Audible Inc pada tahun 2011 dan dinarasikan oleh Richard Dawkins dan Lalla Ward.
  • An unabridged audiobook version called "The Word of Promise Audio Bible" has been produced by the publisher.
    Versi audiobook berjudul "The Word of Promise Audio Bible" ("Alkitab Audio Perkataan Janji") telah diproduksi oleh penerbit.
  • Empires portal Citations Webster's Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language, Portland House, New York, 1989, pp. 468.
    Dalam konteks itu, pendirian tersebut seringkali disebut pos dagang. ^ Webster's Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language, Portland House, New York, 1983.
  • Originally published in the July 2013 edition of Garuda Indonesia’s inflight magazine Colours. Hit the below link for the original, unabridged feature.
    Diterbitkan di Colours, majalah inflight Garuda Indonesia, edisi Juli 2013. Klik link di bawah ini untuk membaca versi lengkapnya.
  • In 2006, actor Martin Freeman, who had played Arthur Dent in the 2005 movie, recorded a new unabridged edition of the audiobook.
    Pada tahun 2006, aktor Martin Freeman, pemain Arthur Dent di versi film tahun 2005, merekam edisi non-ringkas baru dari novel ini.
  • The content for Dictionary.com is based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, with other content from the Collins English Dictionary, American Heritage Dictionary and others.
    Isi situs ini diambil dari Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Collins English Dictionary, American Heritage Dictionary, dan kamus lainnya.
  • In 1990, Adams himself recorded an unabridged edition, later re-released by New Millennium Audio in the United States and available from BBC Audiobooks in the United Kingdom.
    Tahun 1990, Adams merekam sendiri edisi non-ringkasnya yang kemudian dirilis ulang oleh New Millennium Audio di Amerika Serikat dan tersedia di BBC Audiobooks, Britania Raya.
  • This abridged edition was translated into English and published in 1951 in London, but the complete unabridged edition of Theories of Surplus Value was published as the "fourth volume" of Capital in 1963 and 1971 in Moscow.
    Edisi tersebut diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Inggris dan terbit pada 1951 di London, namun edisi lengkap Teori Nilai Surplus terbit sebagai "volumne keempat" Kapital pada 1963 dan 1971 di Moskwa.
  • Most bees whose winners advance to regional-level competition use the School Pronouncer's Guide, which contains a collection of Spell It! words as well as "surprise words" not listed in Spell It! but featured in Scripps' official dictionary, the unabridged Webster's Third New International Dictionary (published by Merriam-Webster).
    Untuk tingkat sekolah sampai tingkat regional, biasanya panitia menggunakan School Pronouncer's Guide yang di dalamnya terdapat koleksi kata dari "Spell It!" dan juga kata-kata "kejutan" yang tidak didapatkan di buku tersebut, tetapi di kamus resmi kompetisi, Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged.