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contoh kalimat unggah

"unggah" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • Show me the video that you uploaded! Come on!
    Tunjukkan video yang Kau unggah !
  • If someone finds this footage, please YouTube it.
    Jika seseorang menemukan rekaman ini, tolong unggah ke Youtube.
  • Only and can post, retweet and put the Huskies.
    Hanya dan bisa unggah, retweet dan membuat Huskies.
  • Don't go putting that online, now, will you?
    Jangan kau unggah itu sekarang, ya?
  • Let's just upload the specs to H.Q.
    Sebaiknya kita unggah saja spesifikasinya ke Markas.
  • I'm uploading the footage to your subnet now.
    Aku unggah rekamannya ke jaringan-mu sekarang.
  • These videos appeared briefly on YouTube but were removed.
    Videonya pernah di unggah ke YouTube tetapi segera dihapus.
  • Roy, would you come to the control room, please?
    Bisakah kau unggah, Roy?
  • It's been slowly mapping every system they've uploaded it to.
    Virusnya akan pelan-pelan memetakan tiap sistem yang mereka unggah.
  • It's just old skate stuff Jerome posted on YouTube.
    Ini hanya video skate lama yang Jerome unggah ke YouTube.
  • Upload the link. Return to LaGuardia.
    Unggah tautan, saat kembali ke La Guardia.
  • Upload those coordinates into my navigation and keep my eggs warm.
    Unggah koordinatnya ke navigasiku dan jaga telurku tetap hangat.
  • And all the data's been uploaded.
    Dan semua data telah di unggah.
  • So what's it gonna upload?
    Apa yang sedang di unggah? Waktunya kapan?
  • Will I be uploading a certain video to YouTube this afternoon?
    Apa perlu aku unggah video itu di Youtube nanti sore?
  • And you put it online? - Mm-hm.
    Lalu kau unggah ?
  • Well, you have to upload the application.
    Kau harus unggah aplikasinya.
  • We're uploading your cerebral matrix now.
    Kita unggah Matrix Otakmu..,.. Sekarang.
  • Upload those coordinates to Dom's nav.
    Unggah koordinatnya ke navigasi Dom.
  • Final delivery and website integration.
    Integrasikan dan unggah ke situs web.
  • lebih banyak contoh:   1  2  3