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contoh kalimat washington

"washington" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  "washington" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • Doc lived in Washington, which is the centre of
    Doc tinggal di Washington. Pusat apa itu?
  • That of a full-ranking military colonel working for the OSS in Washington.
    dgnpangkatkolonelpdOSS di Washington .
  • I have to get back to Washington by 7.30.
    Tidak lebih dari penglihatan di tempat gelap.
  • In Boston, Hartford, Philadelphia, and here in Washington.
    Di Boston, Hartford, Philadelphia dan di Washington ini.
  • Three years in Washington under Reagan
    Tiga tahun di Washington saat pemerintahan Reagan... - Oh, ya?
  • The others are from New York and Washington.
    Yang lain adalah dari New York dan Washington.
  • And that fire there in Washington continues to burn.
    Dan itu terbakar di washington terus berlanjut
  • No,kid,you're on the next plane to washington.
    Tidak, anak, Anda berada di pesawat berikutnya ke Washington.
  • From NPR News in Washington, I'm Carl Kasell.
    Dari kantor berita NPR Washington, Saya Carl Kasell.
  • "over by Washington Street and Maple Street last night.
    "Di Washington Street dan Maple Street semalam.
  • Well, washington, D.C., Is no different than topeka.
    Yah, washington, DC, Apakah tidak berbeda dari Topeka.
  • Well, I've made a few friends in washington.
    Yah, aku sudah membuat beberapa teman di Washington.
  • I'm sorry, They called Washington, they have our orders.
    Maaf, mereka memanggil Washington, mereka perintah kita.
  • She's in washington, wants to meet us here.
    Dia berada di Washington, ingin bertemu kita disini.
  • Sidney Kroll, Mr. Lang's Washington attorney.
    Sidney Kroll, seorang pengacara di Washington pembantu dei Mr Lang.
  • Why did you want to go to Washington DC?
    Mengapa Anda ingin pergi ke Washington DC?
  • Diane was on her way back to Washington and a promotion.
    Dianesedangdalamperjalanankembalike Washington dan promosi .
  • Proceed immediately to Washington and La Brea.
    Di minta segera menuju ke Washington dan La Brea.
  • Washington says that Abu Faraj official number three.
    Washington mengatakan bahwa Abu Faraj resmi nomor tiga.
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