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contoh kalimat waugh

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  • What did you do? - Waugh... It stays you remember?
    Waugh... apa ini akan mambuatmu mengingatnya?
  • Waugh 1973, pp. 8,9,10,31 Peter E Davies.
    Diakses tanggal 2011-06-01. ^ Waugh 1973, hlm. 8,9,10,31 ^ (Inggris) Peter E Davies.
  • Monica Waugh 0 comments - 53 hits
    Monica Waugh 0 komentar - 52 pengunjung
  • Monica Waugh 0 comments - 9 hits
    Monica Waugh 0 komentar - 49 pengunjung
  • Monica Waugh 0 comments - 47 hits
    Monica Waugh 0 komentar - 10 pengunjung
  • Monica Waugh 0 comments - 27 hits
    Monica Waugh 0 komentar - 49 pengunjung
  • Monica Waugh 0 comments - 24 hits
    Monica Waugh 0 komentar - 10 pengunjung
  • Monica Waugh 0 comments - 10 hits
    Monica Waugh 0 komentar - 49 pengunjung
  • Monica Waugh 0 comments - 46 hits
    Monica Waugh 0 komentar - 49 pengunjung
  • But as a liberating influence on later writers such as Waugh his importance should not be discounted.
    Tapi sebagai pengaruh yang membebaskan pada penulis kemudian seperti Waugh ... pentingnya nya seharusnya kagak diabaikan .
  • The 23-year-old was the ex-wife of Ian Anthony Waugh and daughter of an army officer, Gordon Bartlett.
    Ia adalah mantan istri dari Ian Anthony Waugh dan putri dari seorang perwira angkatan darat, Gordon Bartlett.
  • Waugh, a devout Catholic and fervent admirer of Knox's works, had obtained his friend's permission for the task.
    Waugh, seorang penganut Katolik yang taat dan sangat mengagumi karya-karya Knox, telah memperoleh izin Knox untuk tugas tersebut.
  • January 7 – In an article in The New York Times Book Review, Gore Vidal calls Evelyn Waugh "our time's first satirist".
    7 Januari – Dalam sebuah artikel dalam The New York Times Book Review, Gore Vidal menyebut Evelyn Waugh "satiris pertama pada zaman kita".
  • Act of Valor is a 2012 American action film produced and directed by Mike McCoy and Scott Waugh, and written by Kurt Johnstad.
    Act of Valor adalah sebuah film aksi Amerika 2012 yang disutradarai oleh Mike McCoy dan Scott Waugh, dan ditulis oleh Kurt Johnstad.
  • The first biography of Knox, entitled The Life of Ronald Knox, was the work of his friend and literary executor, Evelyn Waugh, and appeared two years after his death.
    Biografi pertama Knox, berjudul The Life of Ronald Knox, adalah karya temannya yang berperan sebagai eksekutor literer, Evelyn Waugh, dan terbit dua tahun setelah wafatnya.
  • Tens of thousands of screenplays have been written by L.A. city residents, and the movie business has attracted many authors, including F. Scott Fitzgerald, Aldous Huxley, Tennessee Williams, Evelyn Waugh, and William Faulkner.
    Puluhan ribu skenario yang telah ditulis oleh L. A. kota penduduk, dan bisnis bioskop telah menarik banyak penulis, termasuk F. Scott Fitzgerald, Aldous Huxley, Tennessee Williams, Evelyn Waugh, dan William Faulkner.
  • Pickled walnuts or pickled walnuts are a traditional English food. Since the nineteenth century, in England, walnuts in brine are considered a real delicacy; Charles Dickens already talked about it in his book "The Pickwick Papers", published in 1836, and are also mentioned in the "Brideshead Revisited", by Evelyn Waugh
    Acar kenari atau acar kenari adalah makanan tradisional Inggris. Sejak abad kesembilan belas, di Inggris, kenari dalam air asin dianggap sebagai kelezatan nyata; Charles Dickens sudah membicarakannya dalam bukunya "The Pickwick Papers", yang diterbitkan pada 1836, dan juga disebutkan dalam "Brideshead Revisited", oleh Evelyn Waugh