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contoh kalimat wide-eyed

"wide-eyed" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Like a wide-eyed kid, I'd say, "Why is that?"
    Seperti anak yang penasaran, saya bertanya, "Mengapa?"
  • The wide-eyed girl, peddling her earnest newspaper stories?
    Gadis bermata lebar menjajakan cerita untuk koran?
  • See, we all begin wide-eyed. Pure science.
    Kami semua mulai membuka lebar mata kami, Menjadi, "Sains Murni"
  • But not in a wide-eyed, indiscriminate way.
    Tidak dalam ukuran mata terbuka lebar, tak memilih-milih.
  • I'm not alone, dream walking, wide-eyed..
    Aku tidak sendiri, tidur berjalan, dengan mata terbelalak..
  • It's quite the act, this, uh, wide-eyed man-child bit.
    It's quite the act, this, uh, wide-eyed man-child bit.
  • I lost that wide-eyed girl from Muskegon.
    Saya kehilangan yang terbelalak gadis dari Muskegon.
  • You'll stare wide-eyed when you see.
    Tidak. Mata kalian akan keluar jika melihatnya.
  • Oh, just your... unbridled, wide-eyed, Lima, Ohio optimism.
    Oh, cuma kau... yang tak terkendali, bermata lebar, rasa optimis dari Lima, Ohio.
  • Look at you, still so wide-eyed.
    Lihat ekspresimu. Mata terbuka lebar
  • We arrive into this world as innocents, wide-eyed, vulnerable.
    Kita tiba ke dunia ini sebagai orang tak berdosa, dengan mata terbelalak, lemah.
  • She was first seen as a wide-eyed five year old in Yashoda Krishna, a Telugu film.
    Ia pertama kali tampil sebagai anak berusia 5 tahun dalam Yashoda Krishna, sebuah film Telugu.
  • Cars from every state, with little kids staring wide-eyed, and we saw teenagers with telescopes.
    Mobil-mobil dari seluruh negara bagian, dengan anak-anak kecil menatap terbelalak, dan kami melihat para remaja membawa teleskop.
  • You know, we all start off being wide-eyed little angels like him... don't we, Helen?
    Kau tahu, kita semua berasal dari seorang malaikat kecil yang bermata lebar seperti dia ... - bukankah begitu, Helen?
  • I may not be a wide-eyed ingenue anymore, but I can still dance circles around any of you.
    Aku mungkin bukan orang yang memiliki semangat besar seperti kalian, tetapi aku masih bisa menari seperti kalian.
  • As I was sitting wide-eyed on my watch, I noticed it was wintertime on the water and springtime on the shore.
    Selagi aku duduk memperhatikan sekitar, aku menyadari sekarang terjadi musim dingin di atas air dan musim semi di pinggir pantai.
  • Time and space have parted us, but I reach out across that distance to that same wide-eyed boy and ask him to believe me once more.
    Waktu dan tempat memisahkan kita, Tapi kembali, aku merengkuh pemisah itu..,.. Dan kembali ke mata lebar bocah itu..,..
  • While your precious Robin thinks it's his wide-eyed wife, it's actually me. One phone call from me, and your beloved dies at the hands of your sister.
    Sementara Robin-mu yang berharga itu tapi sebenarnya itu aku. dan kekasihmu tersayang akan mati di tangan kakakmu.
  • All you need to know is that while your precious Robin thinks it's his wide-eyed wife cooking dinner for him every night, it's actually me.
    Yang perlu kau ketahui adalah saat Robin berhargamu menganggap itu istrinya memasak makan malam untuk dia setiap malam, itu sebenarnya aku.
  • The big fish sell weapons all over the world... and then send wide-eyed hicks like me... and your brother over there so we can get shot and killed by them... so they can cry their crocodile tears, salute the flag... and then sell some more.
    Ikan besar di seluruh dunia
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