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contoh kalimat all around

"all around" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • I walked a klick all around, but there's nothing
    Aku sudah berkeliling, tapi tidak ada apa-apa.
  • All around there are legends about this tank.
    Banyak kisah legenda yang beredar mengenai tank itu.
  • This says that there are dark shadows all around you.
    Ini tanda bahwa bayangan gelap mengelilingimu.
  • Our names are well known all around town 3M
    Nama kami terkenal di seluruh kota 3M
  • He flew dozens of missions all around the world.
    Dia terbang puluhan misi ke seluruh dunia.
  • Television rights have been sold all around the world.
    Hak siarnya sudah terjual di seluruh dunia.
  • All around the cathedral the saints and apostles
    Di sekeliling katedral, para orang suci dan murid-murid
  • My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals All around
    Semangatku tersulur dalam Fraktal beku di sekitarku.
  • To adoring nightclub audiences all around the country.
    to adoring nightclub audiences all around the country.
  • There should be islands all around us by now.
    Harus ada pulau-pulau di sekitar kita sekarang.
  • So, you are the chosen finalists from all around Australia.
    Jadi, kalian finalis yang terpilih se-Australia.
  • It's gonna be a really great day all around. Ready?
    Ia akan menjadi hari yang hebat.
  • Even though people are dying all around us?
    Meskipun orang - orang mati berserakan disekitar kita?
  • People make mean money going all around the world.
    Orang menghasilkan uang untuk pergi keliling dunia.
  • It can see all around the room at once.
    Ia dapat melihat seisi ruangan secara bersamaan.
  • Public works... Don't you see that it's happening all around you?
    Kau lihat apa yang terjadi?
  • There are plenty more like this all around here.
    Ada banyak lubang seperti itu di sini.
  • Little things about to happen all around them.
    Hal-hal kecil yang akan terjadi di sekitar mereka.
  • Virtual schools now exist all around the world.
    Sekolah virtual sekarang sudah ada di seluruh dunia.
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