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contoh kalimat cossack

"cossack" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  "cossack" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • Have no fear, I have developed a fighting technique based on Cossack dancing.
    Jangan takut, aku sudah kembangkan teknik berkelahi yang berdasarkan tarian Cossack.
  • They elected the Cossack chieftain Yermak Timofeyevich as the leader of the Cossack brigades.
    Mereka memiilih kepala suku Cossack, Yermak Timofeyevich, sebagai pemimpin pasukan.
  • They elected the Cossack chieftain Yermak Timofeyevich as the leader of the Cossack brigades.
    Mereka memiilih kepala suku Cossack, Yermak Timofeyevich, sebagai pemimpin pasukan.
  • I've dressed him in a Cossack shirt, and he'll be singing Nelson Eddy songs.
    Aku memakaikannya tunik Cossack, dan dia akan menyanyikan lagu Nelson Eddy.
  • A successful Cossack would sometimes catch as many as 50 sturgeon.
    Dalam satu hari seorang "penderes" (pemanjat pohon kelapa) dapat memanjat sebanyak 45 pohon kelapa.
  • The Iaik Cossack host was most directly and completely involved in the Pugachev revolt.
    Tuan rumah Iaik Cossack paling langsung dan sepenuhnya terlibat dalam pemberontakan Pugachev.
  • I have a theme I want to work out. -"To Russia, the Cossack call..."
    Saya memiliki tema saya ingin bekerja keluar. -" Untuk Rusia, panggilan Cossack ..."
  • Maryna Mokievska came from the family of a Cossack officer who fought alongside Bohdan Khmelnytsky.
    Maryna Mokievska berasal dari keluarga seorang perwira Cossack yang berjuang bersama Bohdan Khmelnytsky.
  • Until the 1920s, okrugs were administrative districts in Cossack hosts such as the Don's Cossacks.
    Sampai tahun 1920-an, okrug adalah distrik administratif di host Cossack seperti Don's Cossack.
  • While Yermak had succeeded in taking Qashliq, the battle had reduced his Cossack force to 500 men.
    Meskipun Yermak berhasil merampas Qashliq, pertempuran mengurangi pasukan Cossack menjadi 500 orang.
  • Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the Councils of Workers, Soldiers, Peasants and Cossack Deputies
    Keputusan Komite Eksekutif Pusat Semua-Rusia Dewan, Pekerja, Tentara, dan Cossack Deputi
  • A Cossack, renowned for their infeasible acrobatic abilities and are notorious for moonlighting as assassins.
    Seorang Cossack, yang terkenal karena kemampuan akrobatik mereka..,.. ..,.. Dan bekerja sampingan sebagai pembunuh bayaran.
  • Find out how this Cossack of love brought Napoleon to his knees and made the Kremlin quake with desire!
    Temukan Sekarang ini Cossack love Napoleon telah berlutut dengan hasrat Kremlin
  • It has been known since the second half of the 18th century as the Cossack village of Kireyevskaya (Кире?евская).
    Terkenal sejak pertengahan kedua abad ke-18 sebagai desa Cossack, Kireyevskaya (Кире?евская).
  • During the Russo-Japanese War (1904–1905), Samsonov commanded a cavalry brigade of the Ussuri Siberian Cossack Division.
    Pada masa Perang Rusia-Jepang (1904–1905), Samsonov memimpin brigadir kavaleri dalam Divisi Cossack Siberia Ussuri.
  • After the revolt, Catherine cut Cossack privileges further and set up more garrisons across Russia.
    Setelah pemberontakan, Catherine memangkas hak Cossack lebih lanjut dan mendirikan lebih banyak garnisun di seluruh Rusia.
  • In the late 1570s, the Stroganovs recruited Cossack fighters to invade Asia on behalf of the tsar.
    Di akhir 1570-an, keluarga Stroganov merekrut pejuang Cossack untuk menyerang Asia atas nama tsar.
  • Bohdan Khmelnytsky married Hanna Somkivna, a daughter of a rich Pereyaslavl Cossack; the couple settled in Subotiv.
    Bohdan Khmelnytsky menikah dengan Hanna Somkivna, putri dari Cossack Pereyaslavl; pasangan menetap di Subotiv.
  • Yermak, the embodiment of Cossack freewill, bravery, and brutality, grew famous for his exploits on the Volga.
    Yermak, perwujudan dari jiwa bebas, keberanian, dan kebrutalan Cossack, tumbuh terkenal atas keberaniannya di Volga.
  • It describes the life of an old Zaporozhian Cossack, Taras Bulba, and his two sons, Andriy and Ostap.
    Novel ini berkisah tentang Cossack Ukraina tua, Taras Bulba, dan dua putranya, Andriy dan Ostap.
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