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contoh kalimat ivy league

"ivy league" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  "ivy league" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • A Starford education feeds almost directly to the Ivy League.
    Pendidikan di Starford... biasanya membuka jalan menuju Ivy League.
  • Can't have my Ivy League vet smelling like his patients.
    Aku tak mau dokter hewan Ivy League-ku baunya seperti pasiennya.
  • I have 10 times more experience than any Ivy League kid.
    Pengalamanku 10 kali lebih banyak Dari lulusan Ivy League.
  • Oh, he's like an ivy league pimp.
    Dia seperti Germo Universitas ternama.
  • Artie told me that you said that Brown was not an Ivy League school.
    Quinn, bisakah aku bicara denganmu sebentar?
  • I said it's barely an Ivy League school.
    aku tidak mengatakan begitu
  • Ivy League and all. That means you come from money.
    Ivy League dan semua, Itu berarti Anda berasal dari uang,
  • I've been fighting high-hat Ivy League pricks like him my whole life.
    Aku sering bertarung dengan sesundal seperti dia selama hidupku.
  • I think all this Ivy League talk might be a little intimidating.
    Aku pikir tentang semua kampus-kampus top itu sedikit mengintimidasinya.
  • "Doing Time at an Ivy League?"
    "Menghabiskan Waktu di Ivy League"?
  • Got offers from eight Ivy League schools.
    Di anggota universitas Ivy.
  • That's hysterical, huh, Ivy League?
    Itu histeris, huh, Ivy League?
  • Do you have any idea how many Ivy League Phi Beta Kappas
    Uh, apa kamu punya pemikiran berapa banyak perserikatan kampus Ivy
  • Mr. Ivy League dropout?
    Tn. Ivy yang putus sekolah ?
  • I know everything there is to know about Ivy League women.
    Aku tahu semua yang perlu diketahui tentang Perkumpulan Wanita Ivy 12 tahun?
  • It's very Ivy League, very exclusive.
    Punya Ivy League, sangat ekslusif. Kurasa ibuku lebih suka aku bekerja di 500 perusahaan atau semacam itu.
  • What percentage of Ithaca students end up going to Ivy League grad schools?
    Ya. brapa besar kemungkinani mahasiswa lthaca bisa masuk lvy League?
  • I'm talking Ivy League.
    Yang kumaksud adalah Ivy League.
  • Forget this Ivy League boy.
    Lupakan saja mahasiswa ini.
  • Some Ivy League prick
    Beberapa tusukan Liga lvy
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