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contoh kalimat tiba

"tiba" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • Miami Tower, Jet Star 6479 Delta on final.
    Menara Miami, Jet Star 6479 Delta segera tiba.
  • The world`s leading underground figures have all arrived.
    Tokoh bawah tanah terkemuka di dunia semuanya tiba.
  • I couldn't wait to get my hands on Vegas.
    Aku tak sabar lagi tiba di Vegas.
  • I wish to make it to Zurich on time.
    Aku ingin tiba di Zurich tepat waktu.
  • I'll show you when the time comes!
    Aku akan menunjukkan kepada Anda ketika saatnya tiba !
  • Soon as he arrives, the custom of engagement will
    Begitu ia tiba , kebiasaan keterlibatan akan
  • The Petrol Express will be here in a minute.
    Nevada Express segera tiba dalam beberapa menit.
  • You'll reach the ridge in 10 minutes.
    Kalian akan tiba di bukit kecil dalam 10 menit.
  • He will arrive in Tokyo in six days.
    "Mereka" akan tiba di "Tokyo" dalam "6 hari".
  • Finally, the time has come for us to stand up!
    Akhir-nya, tiba saatnya untuk "kebangkitan kita"!
  • You know, I've come from London yesterday only.
    Kau tahu, kemarin aku baru tiba dari London.
  • You are a very promising teacher!
    Tapi Yoshiko, Jacuzzi ini baru tiba hari ini.. dan saya.
  • Can I count on you when the time comes?
    Dapatkah aku mengandalkanmu ... ketika saatnya tiba?
  • The convoy is going to be here in five minutes!
    Konvoi akan tiba lima menit lagi!
  • I only came two hours downriver from Hellgate.
    Aku tiba hanya dua jam melintas dari Hellgate.
  • They'll be here before I unpack my bags.
    Mereka akan tiba sebelum aku sempat mengemasi barangku.
  • Excuse me, sir, we just got some big news.
    Permisi, pak, berita besar baru saja tiba.
  • The word is, the Iceman's day of arrival is tomorrow.
    Iceman akan tiba kemari esok hari.
  • Y'all been wondering when that day is coming.
    Kalian pasti bertanya-tanya kapan hari itu akan tiba.
  • I am afraid you guys were the last to arrive.
    Aku takut kalian yang tiba terakhir.
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