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contoh kalimat acre

"acre" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  "acre" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • The installation covers an area of 1,210 acres.
    Instalasi ini meliputi area seluas 1.210 acre.
  • Nearly 1,000,000 acres (4,000 km2) were covered with forests.
    Hampir 1.000.000 ukuran tanah (4.000 km2) diliputi hutan.
  • All around me were 800 acres of wild dry brush.
    Sekeliling saya adalah 800 acre semak-semak liar kering.
  • As I understand it, he's bought 160 acres.
    Yang kutahu, dia membeli 160 hektar.
  • I'm not sure exactly how many acres that is, but
    Aku tidak yakin berapa Are tepatnya luasnya, tapi
  • And not just in Jerusalem, but Acre
    dan tidak hanya di Jerusalem, juga Akre
  • An individual with half an acre of potatoes
    Seorang individu dengan setengah acre kentang
  • Four acres of farmland and a house.
    Empat ekar tanah pertanian... dan sebuah rumah.
  • Downey was given three acres of government land.
    Downey diberi tiga hektar tanah pemerintah.
  • Why cross Master's over a few acres?
    Kenapa kau menyebrangi wilayah Guru beberapa hektar?
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