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contoh kalimat fire

"fire" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • You light my fire darling, that's right Oh, that's it
    Kau gairahkan aku, sayang. Ya begitu.
  • Forward damage control, bring additional fire extinguishers to the
    Pengendali kerusakan, bawa tambahan alat pemadam kebakaran
  • The fire in the galley could have flared back up.
    Api di dapur bisa berkobar kembali.
  • You can't put out the fire with straw Stay away!
    Tidak ada air... "Coba Cara Lain"!
  • Fantastic love starts from a fire at the bridge
    "Kau Aku Bertemu"... "Cinta Kilat"! "Diatas Jembatan".
  • We found his keys where the fire was started.
    Kami menemukan kuncinya di awal kebakaran itu.
  • You have never fired a bow in your life
    Kau tidak pernah menembakkan busur seumur hidupmu
  • It doesn't take long to light a fire.
    Tidak butuh waktu lama untuk menyalakan api .
  • Have you fired one of those things since the Academy?
    apa kau drop out sewaktu kuliah?
  • I've fired my gun four times on the street.
    Aku menembakkan pistolku empat kali di jalanan.
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