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contoh kalimat the rock

"the rock" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • The rock obviously did not read our warning.
    Batu itu jelas tidak membaca peringatan kami.
  • "Zea" the Rock star We are "To Die For"
    "Zea" bintang rock kami adalah "To Die For"
  • You never should have ripped that thing out of the rock.
    Kau tak seharusnya memotong batu itu.
  • In the rock formations, there's... something growing on them.
    Disusunan batu... Ada.... sesuatu yang tumbuh.
  • It's not the rock show so much as my friends.
    Bukan soal konsernya, tapi teman-temanku.
  • I need you to drop the rock, sir.
    Aku ingin kau menjatuhkan batu itu, Pak.
  • Well, it's gonna blow your mind, but sit on the rock.
    Kau akan terkejut. Duduklah.
  • Let the toughness of the rock be the guide.
    Biar batu keras itu membimbing kita.
  • A little place in the rock, in the trees.
    Tempat kecil di bebatuan, di pepohonan.
  • Well, this worked pretty well on the rock dudes.
    Cara ini bekerja cukup baik pada makhluk batu.
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