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oxford artinya

oxford artinya
  • Undergrad at Oxford, Masters of Engineering from MIT.
    Undergrad di Oxford, Master of Engineering dari MIT.
  • Construction from Brill to Oxford had not yet begun.
    Konstruksi dari Brill Oxford punya belum dimulai.
  • The Queen's College, Oxford was founded in her honour.
    The Queen's College, Oxford didirikan untuk menghormatinya.
  • Ashby, Thomas., The Aqueducts of Rome, Oxford, 1934.
    Ashby, Thomas., Saluran air dari Roma, Oxford, 1934.
  • Davies, Oliver, Roman Mines in Europe, Oxford (1935).
    Davies, O, Romawi Tambang di Eropa, Oxford (1935).
  • 4447) of the Sackler Library at Oxford University.
    4447) pada Sackler Library di Universitas Oxford, [[Inggris.
  • The Oxford Dictionary of Word Origins (2nd ed.).
    The Oxford Dictionary of Word Origins (edisi ke-2).
  • In The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt.
    The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt (dalam bahasa Inggris).
  • This is the Grand Cafe here in Oxford.
    Ini adalah Kafe Grand disini di Oxford.
  • Is our college any inferior to Oxford University?
    Memangnya sekolah kita lebih rendah dari Oxford?
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