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oxford artinya

contoh kalimat "oxford"
  • When I sent you to Oxford for Higher Studies!
    Ketika saya kirimkan foto Oxford Studi Tinggi!
  • We're friends, actually. At Oxford the same year.
    Sebenarnya kami berteman, Di Oxford, tahun yang sama.
  • No mystery novels, no symbols, no Oxford.
    Tidak ada novel misteri, tidak ada simbol, tidak Oxford.
  • Peter met Anderson at new college at Oxford.
    Peter bertemu anderson di Kampus baru di oxford.
  • He told me once... he was an Oxford man.
    Dia bilang padaku dia kuliah di Oxford.
  • And you found he was... - an Oxford man?
    Kau tahu kalau dia orang Oxford ?
  • Look, I've done the Oxford entrance exams.
    Dengar, aku telah melakukan ujian masuk ke Oxford .
  • Newgate recently took his medical degree at Oxford.
    Newgate baru saja meraih gelar dokter di Oxford.
  • So, Eggy, are you Oxford or Cambridge?
    Jadi, Eggy, apa kau dari Oxford atau Cambridge ?
  • I mean, I was wearing the "sure thing oxford,"
    Maksudku, aku tadi mengenakan "sure thing oxford,"
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • a low shoe laced over the instep