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rash artinya

rash artinya
  • This rash is an allergic reaction to the water.
    Ruam ini adalah reaksi alergi terhadap air.
  • Yellowed faces bodies overcome by rash and blister
    Wajah menguning.. Tubuh dipenuhi dengan ruam dan memar..
  • Before you do anything rash, you should know
    Sebelum Anda melakukan apapun ruam, kamu harus tahu
  • If you weren't rash, would I have gotten injured?
    Jika kau tidak gegabah, akankah aku terluka?
  • Heat rash - Skin irritation from excessive sweating.
    Ruam panas - Iritasi kulit dari keringat berlebihan.
  • Makes the Ebola virus look like a skin rash.
    Membuat virus Ebola seperti kulit berbintik
  • "and I got a rash so bad on my ass
    "dan ruamku banyak di pantat
  • Last time I saw you, you had diaper rash.
    Terakhir kali melihatmu, saat kau terkena gatal popok.
  • Except for the rash thing's still there, right?
    Kecuali untuk hal ruam's masih ada, kan?
  • That sounds pretty rash from where I sit.
    Kedengarannya cukup kasar dari tempat saya duduk.
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