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rash artinya

pengucapan: [ ræʃ ]  audio:
contoh kalimat "rash"
  • Look, don't do anything rash now, buddy, hmm?
    Dengar, jangan lakukan apa-apa ruam sekarang, Sobat, hmm?
  • And this is not the moment for rash actions!
    Dan ini bukan saatnya untuk bertindak tergesa!
  • You don't want to make any rash mistakes here.
    Kau tak mau buat kesalahan ini, LJ.
  • What? Is it a rash, or is it the chicken pox?
    Apa ruam, atau cacar air?
  • "To Elliott, sorry about the buckle rash, Eric Clapton."
    "Untuk Elliott, maaf tentang lecetnya, Eric Clapton."
  • Was I a bit too rash?
    Apakah aku terlalu terburu-buru, jadi aku melakukan sesuatu yang bodoh?
  • You're young and young people make rash decisions.
    Anda masih muda Dan kaum muda ruam keputusan.
  • But we're finally safe. Don't be rash! No!
    Sebaiknya, jangan resiko yang kau tanggung sangat besar!
  • I can't wait until I get a rash.
    Aku tidak bisa menunggu sampai aku mendapatkan ruam.
  • There's a lot of road rash on those bodies.
    Terdapat banyak luka gerusan jalan pada mayat.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • a series of unexpected and unpleasant occurrences; "a rash of bank robberies"; "a blizzard of lawsuits"
    Sinonim: blizzard,

  • any red eruption of the skin
    Sinonim: roseola, efflorescence, skin rash,

  • Kata sifat
  • marked by defiant disregard for danger or consequences; "foolhardy enough to try to seize the gun from the hijacker"; "became the fiercest and most reckless of partisans"-Macaulay; "a reckless driver"; "a rash attempt to climb Mount Everest"
    Sinonim: foolhardy, heady, reckless,

  • imprudently incurring risk; "do something rash that he will forever repent"- George Meredith