terburu-buru bahasa Inggris
- haste
- hasten
- hasty
- in a hurry
- scurries
- shake a leg
- headlong
- sprint
- cheeky
- precipitous
- nervy
- hie
- cannonball along
- brash
- race
- dash
- rash
- belt along
- dart
- speed
- look sharp
- jog
- hotfoot
- flit
- rush
- impatient
- step on it
- precipitation
- foolhardy
- flash
- scud
- fleet
- heady
- precipitant
- overhasty
- rush along
- shoot
- hurry
- bucket along
- reckless
- flutter
- hastiness
- festinate
- rushing
- hurriedness
- precipitate
- scoot
- pelt along
- dengan terburu-buru: rashly; upon the spur of the moment; hastily; presumptuously; impetuously
- lari terburu-buru: cutting and runing; cutting and running
- lebih terburu-buru: hastier
- memutuskan terburu-buru: jump at a conclusion; jumped at a conclusion; jumping at a conclusion
- paling terburu-buru: hastiest
- terburu-buru bertindak: snap to it; snaped to it
- melakukan sesuatu dengan terburu-buru: go off the deep end
- buru: "pursue, pursuit"; hunt; hunting; chase
- buru-buru: rushed; harried; hurry; in a hurry
- terburu nafsu: go heels over head; go off a half cock; going heels over head; gone heels over head; gone off a half cock
- buru-buru menemui: rush into; rushed into; rushing into
- buru-buru naik cetak: rushed into print; rushing into print
- buru-buru terbitkan karangan: rush into print
- buru-buru untuk: press on with; pressed on with; pressforward with; pressforwarded with; pressing on with
- membaca dengan buru-buru: read over; reading over
KAMI TERBURU-BURU UNTUK KELUAR DARI SINI . - Always the feeling of haste, the heart playing the fool
Selalu perasaan terburu-buru, Jantung bermain bodoh. - Suddenly I felt a rush of gratitude for Nino.
Tiba-tiba aku merasakan terburu-buru syukur atas Nino. - No. You don't have to dash off, do you?
No Anda tidak perlu pergi terburu-buru, bukan? - I love her And she loves me.
Saat ini aku sedang terburu-buru. Dia harus menunggu saya. - They'r e already ours, so what's the rush?
Mereka sudah miliki kita, jadi untuk apa terburu-buru? - He hurried and shot his damn toe off.
Dia mengambil senjatanya dengan terburu-buru, dia menembak kakinya. - If you hurry, you can save our home.
Jika Anda terburu-buru, Anda dapat menyimpan rumah kami. - You're gonna miss them if we don't hurry.
Kau akan merindukan mereka jika kita tidak terburu-buru. - Anyway, I'm not hurry to visit their premises.
Anyway, saya tidak terburu-buru untuk mengunjungi tempat mereka.