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foolhardy artinya

contoh kalimat "foolhardy"
  • I'm foolhardy, nothing more.
    Guan Yu hanya pendekar bela diri biasa, tidak seperti yang kau katakan.
  • Don't make any foolhardy attempt to run away.
    Jangan membuat nekat mencoba untuk melarikan diri.
  • "In the history of crime, few have been so foolhardy
    "Dalam sejarah kejahatan, beberapa telah begitu bodoh
  • Foolhardy stories, tales from the war, mostly.
    Cerita tentang keberanian, kebanyakan cerita dari masa perang.
  • I assure you, your plan is as foolhardy as it is desperate.
    Kupastikan, rencanamu konyol dan juga nekat.
  • But before you dismiss my younger foolhardy self, remember
    Tapi sebelum kalian mengabaikan Masa mudaku yang bodoh, ingatlah..,..
  • Ain't normally the type to complain, but this is just foolhardy.
    Tak biasa aku mengeluh tapi ini gila.
  • I don't think he'd be that foolhardy.
    Kurasa dia tidak akan seberani itu.
  • That would be irresponsible and foolhardy.
    Hal itu sangat tidak bertanggung jawab.
  • What Hank did was foolhardy.
    Yang dilakukan Hank begitu membabi buat.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3
    Kata sifat
  • marked by defiant disregard for danger or consequences; "foolhardy enough to try to seize the gun from the hijacker"; "became the fiercest and most reckless of partisans"-Macaulay; "a reckless driver"; "a rash attempt to climb Mount Everest"
    Sinonim: heady, rash, reckless,