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precipitate artinya

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contoh kalimat "precipitate"
  • Yeast precipitate (lees) must then be removed.
    Maka dari itu, usia Yuyutsu sebaya dengan Duryodana.
  • The Sr(OH)2 will precipitate out as a fine white powder.
    Sr(OH)2 akan mengalami pengendapan dan terlihat seperti bubuk putih.
  • This creates a uranium concentrated precipitate.
    Proses ini membentuk konsentrat endapan uranium.
  • Zerstoerer-like dark forces of the universe that precipitate apocalyptic events.
    Kekuatan gelap alam semesta seperti Zerst?rer yang memicu peristiwa kehancuran dunia.
  • The filtered solution is treated with ammonium carbonate to precipitate MnCO 3.
    Larutan yang disaring diperlakukan dengan amonium karbonat untuk mengendapkan MnCO3.
  • R.A white,crystalline precipitate is formed which,after recrystallisation
    RA putih, endapan kristal terbentuk yang, setelah rekristalisasi
  • 4. To precipitate water, grease & dust in the air
    4. Untuk mengendapkan air, gemuk & debu di udara
  • However, in some cases, a certain mineral dissolves and does not precipitate again.
    Namun, dalam beberapa kasus, mineral tertentu larut dan tidak mengendap lagi.
  • Sell The Rate Of Deposited Precipitate From PT. Proteussaba Nusantara
    Jual Produk Laju Endap Darah (LED) dari PT. Proteussaba Nusantara
  • An orange-red precipitate is performed. IR complies with the Reference standard spectrum.
    Endapan oranye-merah dilakukan. IR mematuhi spektrum standar Referensi.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata sifat
  • done with very great haste and without due deliberation; "hasty marriage seldom proveth well"- Shakespeare; "hasty makeshifts take the place of planning"- Arthur Geddes; "rejected what was regarded as an overhasty plan for reconversion"; "wondered whether they had been rather precipitate in deposing the king"
    Sinonim: hasty, overhasty, precipitant, precipitous,

  • Kata kerja
  • separate as a fine suspension of solid particles

  • hurl or throw violently; "The bridge broke and precipitated the train into the river below"

  • bring about abruptly; "The crisis precipitated by Russia''s revolution"

  • fall vertically, sharply, or headlong; "Our economy precipitated into complete ruin"

  • fall from clouds; "rain, snow and sleet were falling"; "Vesuvius precipitated its fiery, destructive rage on Herculaneum"
    Sinonim: come down, fall,

  • Kata benda
  • a precipitated solid substance in suspension or after settling or filtering