hotfoot artinya
kata kerja past tense: hotfooted kata kerja past continuous: hotfooted kata benda plural: hotfoots kata kerja present continuous: hotfooting
- tergesa-gesa
- cepat
- berlomba
- lari
- berlari
- menghambur
- meluru
- terburu-buru
- kesusu
- berlekas-lekasan
- berpacu
- menggesa
- memburu-buru
- dengan tergesa-gesa
- dengan tergopoh-gopoh
- hotels in washington (state): hotel di washington
- hothead: orang pemarah; pemberani; asyik; gila; bersemangat
- hotels in utah: hotel di utah
- hotheaded: lekas marah; pemberang; gegabah; cepat; membabibuta; pemarah
- hotels in the united states: hotel di amerika serikat; hotel di amerika syarikat
- hothouse: rumah kaca; konservatori
- You call me, I hotfoot it over here.
Kalian panggil aku. Aku akan datang. - There he goes... hotfooting it to the land of the sun.
Ada dia pergi... pijakan panas itu ke tanah matahari. - We took a convoy of Germans hotfooting it out of Vernon.
Kami mengambil dari konvoy orang jerman yang keluar dari Varnon. - I'm not hotfooting it after José, if that's what you think. Oh, no.
Aku takkan mengejar José, jika itu yang kau pikir. - Handy litlle gadget for shooting down unfriendly missiles or giving someone a world-class hotfoot.
"Alat kecil berguna" untuk "menembak misil musuh" atau mengirim "panas kelas dunia" untuk seseorang.
- Keterangan
- without delay; speedily; "sent ambassadors hotfoot to the Turks"- Francis Hackett; "drove hotfoot for Boston"
- without delay; speedily; "sent ambassadors hotfoot to the Turks"- Francis Hackett; "drove hotfoot for Boston"
- move fast; "He rushed down the hall to receive his guests"; "The cars raced down the street"
Sinonim: rush, hasten, hie, speed, race, pelt along, rush along, cannonball along, bucket along, belt along, step on it, Kata benda - a practical joke that involves inserting a match surreptitiously between the sole and upper of the victim''s shoe and then lighting it