hoth artinya
- hotfoot: tergesa-gesa; cepat; berlomba; lari; berlari; menghambur; meluru; terburu-buru; kesusu; berlekas-lekasan; berpacu; menggesa; memburu-buru; dengan tergesa-gesa; dengan tergopoh-gopoh
- hothead: orang pemarah; pemberani; asyik; gila; bersemangat
- hotheaded: lekas marah; pemberang; gegabah; cepat; membabibuta; pemarah
- hotels in washington (state): hotel di washington
- hothouse: rumah kaca; konservatori
- hotels in utah: hotel di utah
- hothr: hoth
- Geez, it's only like two hours earlier on Hoth.
Ya ampun, ini kan cuma seperti waktu di Hoth tadi. - But, sir, the Hoth system is supposed to be devoid of humans.
Tapi, Pak sistem Hoth seharusnya kosong dari manusia. - Set your course for the Hoth system.
Atur rutemu menuju sistem Hoth. - Set your course for the Hoth system.
Arahkan menuju sistem Hoth. - Hoth was found guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Namun Sauckel dituntut atas kejahatan perang dan kejahatan terhadap kemanusiaan. - Did you guys know fun fact? All of the Hoth scenes were filmed here in Norway.
Sebaiknya kau mengetahui semua adegan di film itu. - These are replicas of the binoculars that Han and Chewie used on the planet Hoth.
Replika teropong yang digunakan oleh "Han and "Chewie" dalam film "Hoth". - My God, I was expecting something like the Hoth system, but this is more like Endor.
Ooh Tuhan, ternyata disini lebih indah dari apa yang aku bayangkan. - ComScan has detected an energy field... protecting an area of the sixth planet of the Hoth system.
ComScan telah mendeteksi sebuah medan energi yang melindungi area planet ketujuh di sistem Hoth. - Lord Vader, we've entered the Hoth system, but the Rebels have put up an energy shield blocking our entry.
Paduka Vader, kita memasuki sistem Hoth, tapi perisai energi para pemberontak memblokir kita.