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menghambur bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "menghambur"
  • membuang menghambur:    throw away
  • menghambur-hamburkan:    frifoled away; frivoled away; frivoling away; go down the drain; going down the drain; gone down the drain; made ducks and drakes of; make ducks and drakes of; making ducks and drakes of; misspend;
  • menghambat pernapasan:    stifle
  • menghambat motivasi:    demotivate
  • menghambat kemajuan:    drag feet
  • menghamburi:    dust; dot; disperse; scatter; sprinkle
  • menghambat:    constrain; hamper; hampered; hampering; held up; hold up; inhibiting; delay; detain; hinder; hold back; stymie; handicap; strangle; impede; block; cramp; occlude; obturate; close up; jam; stymy; emb
  • menghamburkan:    diccused; diccusing; diffuse; diffused; diffusing; disseminate; disseminated; disseminating; gone on a tire; unfold; circularise; run off; shoot; dispose; let loose; neutralize; neutralise; cast awa
  • menghambakan:    enslave
  • menghamburkan waktu:    dream away; dream out; dreamed away; dreamed out; dreaming away; dreaming out; dreamt away; dreamt out; fiddle about; fiddled about; fiddling about; run around in circles
  • I rush to nuzzle his bony cheek.
    Aku menghambur menyondol pipi kurus.
  • [And] scorner, going about with malicious gossip -
    yang banyak mencela, yang kian ke mari menghambur fitnah,
  • The dogs would've been all over it if anything had gotten near that fence.
    Anjing anjing itu akan menghambur ke sini jika ada sesuatu yang mendekati pagar..
  • Sorry, I left out the part where they burst into his house and drugged him.
    Maaf, aku lupa menceritakan saat mereka menghambur ke rumah Nick dan membiusnya.
  • I wondered if she'd burst into tears and embrace me if I called out to her.
    Aku bertanya-tanya apakah... dia akan menangis dan menghambur memelukku jika aku memanggilnya.
  • And that's the shock wave, surging through the star ripping its outer layers into space.
    Dan seperti inilah gelombang kejutnya, menghambur keluar dari bintang itu memporak-porandakan lapisan terluarnya ke angkasa
  • I know it's a bit crazy, but I popped out and I got a few little baking bits and pieces.
    Aku tahu ini gila, tapi aku menghambur keluar dan membeli beberapa bahan kue.
  • An asteroid impact could've blasted fragments of Mars and onto the young Earth where they sowed the seeds of life
    Teori ini berspekulasi bahwa asteroid telah menabrak dan meledakkan permukaan Mars debu yang mengandung mikroba-mikroba kecil menghambur bebas ke luar angkasa lalu sampai ke Bumi yang masih muda dimana mereka menyemai benih-benih kehidupan
  • NEW SUNLIGHT® stone coated metal roofing tiles moves air between the steel panel and the underlying deck. Heated air dissipates through the ridgeline while cooler air is drawn through each roofing tiles.
    Batu batu lapis dilapisi batu SUNLIGHT® yang baru menggerakkan udara antara panel baja dan dek dasar. Udara panas menghambur melalui udara deras sementara udara dingin ditarik melalui setiap ubin atap.
  • NEW SUNLIGHT® stone coated metal roofing tiles moves air between the steel panel and the underlying deck. Heated air dissipates through the ridgeline while cooler air is drawn through each roofing tiles.Read More
    Batu batu lapis dilapisi batu SUNLIGHT® yang baru menggerakkan udara antara panel baja dan dek dasar. Udara panas menghambur melalui udara deras sementara udara dingin ditarik melalui setiap ubin atap.Lebih