memburu-buru bahasa Inggris
- memburu: chase; chased; chasing; dislodge; dislodged; dislodging; gave chase to; give chase to; given chase to; giving chase to; go hunting; hunt; hurried on with; hurry on with; hurrying on with; made after
- buru: "pursue, pursuit"; hunt; hunting; chase
- buru-buru: rushed; harried; hurry; in a hurry
- memburu babi: boar hunting
- memburu rubah: foxhunt; foxhunted
- sedang memburu: on the trail of
- buru-buru menemui: rush into; rushed into; rushing into
- buru-buru naik cetak: rushed into print; rushing into print
- buru-buru terbitkan karangan: rush into print
- buru-buru untuk: press on with; pressed on with; pressforward with; pressforwarded with; pressing on with
- membaca dengan buru-buru: read over; reading over
- mencatat dengan buru-buru: joted down; joting down
- pekerjaan buru-buru: rush job
- memburu hewan untuk dimakan: preyed on; preyed upon
- anis buru: buru thrush