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rendition artinya

rendition artinya
  • Thank you for that rousing rendition of " Forget Me."
    Terima kasih untuk itu meriah rendition of "Lupakan Aku."
  • They'll declare her an enemy combatant, rendition her to a black site.
    Mereka akan menganggapnya musuh, membawanya ke tempat rahasia.
  • Not the inventor of extreme rendition, either.
    Bukan juga penemu penafsiran ekstrem.
  • Immunity, identity, absolution. Never gonna happen. But I can promise no custody, no extreme rendition.
    pengampunan tidak ada penampakan ekstrim penampakan?
  • I want rendition protocols and put the asset on standby, just in case.
    Aku ingin prosedur eksekusi dan siapkan "aset" untuk jaga-jaga.
  • Full envelope intrusion, rendition, experimental interrogation is all run out of this office.
    Intrusi, eksekusi, percobaan interograsi. Semua berawal dari ruangan ini.
  • It was a wonderful rendition.
    Hey itu ungkapan yang bagus
  • Yeah, it's an artist's rendition of what's going on up there.
    Oh. Ya, itu bawakan seorang artis apa yang terjadi di sana.
  • Sunidhi Chauhan's rendition of the song Neeyat Kharab Hai was widely acclaimed.
    Rendisi Sunidhi Chauhan dari lagu Neeyat Kharab Hai sangat dikenal.
  • This rendition was later included on Montaner's greatest hits album éxitos y
    Lagu ini kemudian disertakan dalam album hits Montaner éxitos y
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