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rendition artinya

pengucapan: [ ren'diʃən ]  audio:
contoh kalimat "rendition"
  • But I think the color rendition is pretty damn accurate.
    Tetapi kupikir pancaran warnanya sangat akurat.
  • What's the action plan for target acquisition and rendition?
    Apa rencana untuk mendapatkan dan membawa target?
  • Helena just got out of a rendition prison, Donnie.
    Helena baru saja keluar dari penjara, Donnie.
  • Supergirl, I loved your rendition of "Moon River,"
    Supergirl, aku mencintai cara kau membawakan "Moon River,"
  • Kenite is a rendition of Hebrew ?????? Qeyniy.
    "Keni" adalah terjemahan dari bahasa Ibrani ?????? Qeyniy.
  • I am curious to see Mr. Booth's rendition.
    - Aku penasaran melihat akting tuan Booth.
  • Your rendition of "Don't Rain on My Parade" was flawed.
    Versi "Don't Rain On My Parade"-mu cacat.
  • I was hoping your rendition would be enough to scare him.
    Aku berharap tekhnik wawancaramu bisa menakutinya.
  • I need the magenta light to accentuate my spirited rendition.
    aku ingin lampu magenta untuk menonjolkan semangatku.
  • Here now, with their rendition of the John Lennon classic,
    Inilah, penampilan mereka dalam lagu klasik John Lennon,
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • the act of interpreting something as expressed in an artistic performance; "her rendition of Milton''s verse was extraordinarily moving"
    Sinonim: rendering, interpretation,

  • handing over prisoners to countries where torture is allowed

  • an explanation of something that is not immediately obvious; "the edict was subject to many interpretations"; "he annoyed us with his interpreting of parables"; "often imitations are extended to provide a more accurate rendition of the child''s intended meaning"
    Sinonim: interpretation, interpreting, rendering,

  • a performance of a musical composition or a dramatic role etc.; "they heard a live rendition of three pieces by Schubert"
    Sinonim: rendering,