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theoretical artinya

theoretical artinya
  • It happens to theoretical physicists all the time.
    Itu selalu terjadi pada ilmuwan teori fisika.
  • You go and look into this theoretical kid.
    kau pergi dan periksa anak teoritis ini.
  • Now, I know the theoretical limit was 2.9,
    Saat ini, setahuku batas teorinya adalah 2,9
  • Oh, come on, I mean, that Schrodinger stuff's all just theoretical.
    Ayolah, teori Schrodigner itu hanya teoretis.
  • Which are you interested in, applied or theoretical?
    Kau tertarik yang mana terapan atau teoritikal?
  • It has a theoretical isoelectric point of 6.01.
    Protein ini memiliki titik isoelektrik teoritis 6,01.
  • Ricardo became the theoretical father of classical political economy.
    Secara teoretis, Ricardo dianggap sebagai bapak ekonomi klasik.
  • Black holes were theoretical constructs speculated about since 1783.
    Lubang hitam adalah konstruk teoritis Berspekulasi tentang sejak 1783.
  • Theoretical construct of the bomb based on particulates we gathered.
    Konstruksi teoritis dari bom berdasarkan partikulat kami berkumpul.
  • For New York City, the problem is no longer theoretical.
    Untuk New York City, masalah tidak lagi teoritis.
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