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theoretical artinya

pengucapan: [ θiə'retikəl ]  audio:
contoh kalimat "theoretical"
  • Those two are the rock stars of theoretical physics.
    Kedua adalah bintang batu dari teori fisika.
  • Until now this phenomenon has just been theoretical.
    Sampai saat ini, fenomena ini masih berupa teori.
  • All this is theoretical .n-And how theoretical you?
    Ini cuma bersifat teori. - Dan bagaimana teorimu?
  • All this is theoretical .n-And how theoretical you?
    Ini cuma bersifat teori. - Dan bagaimana teorimu?
  • I am Dr. Stephen Shin, theoretical marine biologist.
    Saya Dr Stephen Shin, teoritis ahli biologi kelautan.
  • Theoretical periods above regular period 7 are added.
    Ditambahkan periode teoretis di atas periode reguler 7.
  • They are ideal for simulating theoretical engineering design.
    Mereka adalah ideal untuk simulasi desain teknik teoritis .
  • Theoretical Astrophysics Part Four, The Mathematics Of Quantum Mechanics.
    Bagian Teoritis Astrofisika Empat, Matematika Tentu Mekanika Quantum.
  • Of course, at the time, it was just theoretical.
    Tentu saja, pada saat itu, itu hanya teoritis.
  • Applied some like theoretical geography to his whereabouts?
    Menerapkan semacam teori Geografi untuk mengetahui keberadaannya?
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata sifat
  • concerned primarily with theories or hypotheses rather than practical considerations; "theoretical science"
    Sinonim: theoretic,

  • concerned with theories rather than their practical applications; "theoretical physics"