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pill artinya

pill artinya
  • But he gave her a ton of pills and shit.
    Tapi dia memberinya pil banyak sekali.
  • It takes about half an hour... with an iodine pill.
    Perlu setengah jam, memakai pil iodine.
  • [MAN] I can't believe how old Bobby Pills got.
    [Man]sayabisa'1' percaya berapa umur Bobby Pills punya.
  • I'm thinking blue go for three a pill.
    Kupikir yang biru seharga tiga dollar per butir.
  • She's getting worse and these pills, they're not working.
    Kondisinya memburuk dan pil ini tidak manjur.
  • Have you been taking pills to stay awake?
    Spencer, apa kau mengonsumsi pil agar tetap terjaga?
  • She insists that there are no pills in sight.
    Dia ingin tak ada pil yang terlihat.
  • I ocassionally take a sleeping pill when I travel.
    Aku kadang-kadang minum pil tidur saat perjalanan.
  • I will swallow the blackened pill before I betray the cause.
    Aku tidak akan menghianati siapapun.
  • Half of the pills you gave me were vitamins.
    Di botol itu, sebagian besar berisi vitamin.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5