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pill artinya

pengucapan: [ pil ]  audio:
kata kerja past tense: pilled   kata kerja past continuous: pilled   kata benda plural: pills   kata kerja present continuous: pilling   
contoh kalimat "pill"
  • And this is the trial of fish oil pills.
    Ini uji coba dari pil minyak ikan.
  • You're even better than the old-fashioned sleeping pill.
    Anda bahkan lebih baik dari kuno tidur pil.
  • A pill ain't gonna keep your dick from falling off.
    Pil tidak akan membuat gairahmu menurun.
  • Take this Grand Power Pill, it'll dramatically boost your stamina
    Minumlah "Pil Mujarab", bisa tingkatkan tenaga.
  • Did you all take stupid pills this morning?
    Apa kalian sudah minum pil bodoh tadi pagi?
  • Pollux, I hand-fed you those pills for years.
    Pollux, aku telah menyuapimu dengan pil-pil itu bertahun-tahun.
  • I'm using the word "hate" here about pills.
    Aku menngunakan kata "benci" di sini untuk pil.
  • The bottle of his pills is always in my pocket.
    Botol obat-obatan dia selalu ada dikantongku.
  • I'll swallow the biggest pill you can find.
    Aku akan menelan pil besar yang kau berikan.
  • He took the wrong pills when he was young
    Aku minum pilyang salah saat diamasih minum.
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