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tablet bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "tablet"
  • Did you guys forget the writing on the tablet? !
    Apakah kalian lupa tulisan di tablet?
  • She has already taken the pills from you.
    Dia meminum semua tablet yg kau berikan padanya.
  • Any, uh, tablet chatter on angel radio?
    apa ada, yg ngobrolin soal tablet, di radio malaikat?
  • I'm searching for the other half of the Demon Tablet.
    Aku mencari separuh bagian tablet iblis.
  • You hid the Demon Tablet underneath the devil?
    Kau menyembunyikan tablet iblis di bawah papan iblis?
  • No computer, no tablet, no phone.
    Tidak ada komputer , ada tablet , ada telepon .
  • I need to talk to you about the tablet.
    Aku ingin bicara padamu tentang Tablet itu.
  • We've put all that tablet stuff behind us, Larry.
    Kami sudah melupakan Masalah Tablet itu, Larry.
  • Larry... clown-faced keeper of the magic tablet
    Teman - teman..,.. Larry..,.. Penjaga Tablet Sihir berwajah Badut..,..
  • It's been away from Khonsu's light too long.
    Tablet ini terlalu lama Tak mendapat cahaya Khonsu.
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