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tablet artinya

pengucapan: [ 'tæblit ]  audio:
kata benda plural: tablets   
contoh kalimat "tablet"
  • It's a rubbing Dad made of the Grail tablet.
    Ini jiplakan ayah yang dicetak dari prasasti.
  • Marcus, you remember what the Grail tablet said,
    Marcus, kau ingat apa yang disebutkan petunjuk cawan,
  • I must take the tablet with me at the same time.
    Saya harus memiliki ini untukku
  • Did you guys forget the writing on the tablet? !
    Apakah kalian lupa tulisan di tablet?
  • With that tablet you can become human, or
    Dengan pil itu kau bisa menjadi manusia atau
  • Why are there are no characters on these tablets?
    Mengapa papan nisan ini tidak ada nama?
  • This is the memorial tablet for Gaozu Sir!
    Tempat duduk Gao Chu tepat berada di sini
  • Any, uh, tablet chatter on angel radio?
    apa ada, yg ngobrolin soal tablet, di radio malaikat?
  • I'm searching for the other half of the Demon Tablet.
    Aku mencari separuh bagian tablet iblis.
  • You hid the Demon Tablet underneath the devil?
    Kau menyembunyikan tablet iblis di bawah papan iblis?
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • a dose of medicine in the form of a small pellet
    Sinonim: pill, lozenge, tab,

  • a small flat compressed cake of some substance; "a tablet of soap"

  • a slab of stone or wood suitable for bearing an inscription

  • a number of sheets of paper fastened together along one edge
    Sinonim: pad, pad of paper,