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wales artinya

wales artinya
  • A History of Wales (first ed.).
    A History of Wales (edisi ke-first).
  • He lives in New South Wales.
    Keduanya tinggal di New South Wales.
  • Wales is home to three national parks.
    Islandia memiliki tiga taman nasional.
  • He was assassinated before being able to return to Wales to lead them.
    Earl tersebut tertangkap kembali sebelum memasuki Wales.
  • Her eldest son, Frederick, became Prince of Wales.
    Pada masa Raja George II, putra tertuanya, Frederick dinobatkan menjadi Pangeran Wales.
  • Official Website of the Governor of New South Wales
    Australia (Inggris) Situs web resmi Pemerintah Negara Bagian New South Wales
  • Well, if it ain't Josey Wales.
    Ini dia koboi sang pembunuh!
  • Charles, Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall have also visited.
    Pangeran Charles dan Duchess of Cornwall juga pernah berkunjung.
  • Manchester, Northern England and North Wales are served by Manchester Airport.
    Manchester dan Inggris Barat Laut dilayani oleh Bandar Udara Manchester.
  • Chris Coleman was appointed Wales team manager on 19 January 2012.
    Chris Coleman dipilih sebagai pelatih Wales pada 19 Januari 2012.
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