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wales artinya

contoh kalimat "wales"
  • BRAZIL vs WALES ln the quarter-finals, the opponent is the defence-minded Wales.
    Semua orang menonton King.
  • BRAZIL vs WALES ln the quarter-finals, the opponent is the defence-minded Wales.
    Semua orang menonton King.
  • Forest Hills. Played the Prince of Wales. What a sissy.
    Forrest Hill, melawan Pangeran lnggris, pengecut.
  • Where the Prince of Wales will personally interrogate you.
    Dimana Pangeran Wales akan secara pribadi menginterogasimu.
  • We made contact with Cardiff Airport, Wales.
    Kami membuat kontak dengan Bandara Cardiff , Wales .
  • Why you should care that Jimmy Wales ignores reality.
    Jimmy Wales tidak setuju akan pernyataan ini.
  • Both seats were located in New South Wales.
    Kedua kota tersebut terletak di Lembah Selatan Wales).
  • The kind they use in coal mines in Wales.
    Jenis mereka gunakan dalam tambang batubara di Wales.
  • Hey, I saw you fight in Cardiff, Wales once.
    Hei, aku menontonmu bertarung di Cardiff, Wales sekali.
  • Wales has a population of approximately 3 million people.
    Wales memiliki penduduk sekitar 3 juta.
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