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distorsi bahasa Inggris

distorsi artinya
  • Clear-eyed, determined, no substances distorting her judgment. She meant business.
    Jernih, ditentukan, tidak ada zat distorsi nya penghakiman.
  • That distortion... the warble on incoming communications
    Distorsi itu... kicauan pada komunikasi yang masuk
  • It's one of the most distortion-free lenses we know of.
    Salah satu lensa paling bebas distorsi yang kita kenal.
  • We're caught in some kind of energy distortion.
    Kami tertangkap dalam distorsi energi.
  • We're running into some kind of spatial distortions.
    Kita menabrak semacam distorsi ruang.
  • This distortion occurs because the star is spinning extremely rapidly.
    Distorsi ini terjadi karena bintang tersebut berputar sangat cepat.
  • Two ships in our convoy...trapped in a severe gravimetric distortion.
    Dua kapal konvoi kami... terjebak dalam distorsi gravimetri cukup parah.
  • Only the distortions aren't in the letters.
    Hanya distorsi tidak dalam surat-surat.
  • Mostly small distortions to our instruments in the upper atmosphere.
    Kebanyakan berupa distorsi kecil ke Instrumen kita di atas atmosifir.
  • Yeah, she's talking about distorted vision.
    Ya, dia membicarakan tentang distorsi penglihatan.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5