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distorsi bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "distorsi"
  • Wormhole distortion has overloaded the main power systems.
    Distorsi lubang cacing telah membebani sistem tenaga utama.
  • It looks like we're running into more spatial distortions.
    Sepertinya kita bertumbukkan lagi dengan distorsi ruang.
  • We're within visual range of the energy distortion, Captain.
    Kita berada dalam jangkauan visual distorsi energi, Kapten.
  • Bad investments and misrepresentations... by your ex-business manager.
    Investasi buruk dan distorsi... oleh mantan manajermu.
  • Hey, you set the right distortion scope, right?
    Hei, kau mengatur hak lingkup distorsi, kan?
  • That is a distortion of the truth, Lieutenant.
    Itu adalah distorsi dari kebenaran, Letnan.
  • We're encountering severe gravimetric distortions from the energy ribbon, Captain.
    Kita hadapi gravimetri distorsi. Dari pusat energi, Kapten.
  • It was sending out strong spatial distortions.
    Singularitas itu mengirim distorsi ruang yang kuat.
  • What are you reading? "Neural distortion in human subjects."
    "Distorsi saraf pada subyek manusia."
  • Now, there's any number of reasons for the distortion in the voice.
    Banyak sekali penyebab terjadinya distorsi suara.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5