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inkuisitor bahasa Inggris

inkuisitor artinya
  • I should tell you, these Christians already trampled and denied their faith at the inquisitor's office.
    Aku beritahu. Orang-orang Kristen ini telah goyah dan meninggalkan iman mereka. Di kantor Inkuisitor.
  • Inoue, the inquisitor, would raid homes and search for any objects with hidden Christian images.
    Di satu sisi, Inkuisitor, akan menggeledah rumah-rumah dan mencari benda-benda yang menggambarkan Kekristenan secara tersembunyi.
  • There are various estimates of the number of victims of the Spanish Inquisition during Torquemada's reign as Grand Inquisitor.
    Jumlah korban Inkuisisi Spanyol pada masa jabatan Torquemada sebagai Inkuisitor Agung masih diperdebatkan.
  • He was appointed Inquisitor for Poland and Saxony, later becoming the Grand Commissioner for indulgences in Germany.
    Selain itu, ia adalah seorang inkuisitor bidah untuk Polandia, dan kemudian menjadi komisaris indulgensi di Jerman.
  • Although he gave charters to the towns in his territory, he also welcomed the Dominican friars as inquisitors.
    Meskipun ia memberi charter ke kota-kota di wilayahnya, ia juga menyambut baik Dominikan friars sebagai inkuisitor.
  • You think it's possible that his strength gave out and he groveled to this inquisitor Inoue, went on his knees like a dog?
    Menurutmu apakah mungkin kalau kekuatan imannya goyah Dan dia menghinakan dirinya pada Inkuisitor seperti, berlutut seperti anjing?
  • Imelda Staunton as Dolores Umbridge, the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher and a plant from the corrupt Ministry of Magic.
    Imelda Staunton sebagai Dolores Umbridge, guru Pertahanan terhadap Ilmu Hitam yang baru dan Inkuisitor Kepala Hogwarts, utusan dari Kementerian Sihir.
  • Ercole brought accusations of heresy against his wife to King Henry II of France and Inquisitor Oriz in 1554, and she subsequently confessed.
    Ercole membawa tuduhan bidat terhadap istrinya kepada Raja Henry II dari Prancis dan Inkuisitor Oriz pada tahun 1554, dan dia kemudian mengaku.
  • Bussolari's denial that she had discussed any baptism with Morisi raised the question of who could have reported the rumours to the inquisitor in the first place.
    Penyangkalan Bussolari bahwa ia mendiskusikan pembaptisan apapun dengan Morisi menimbulkan pertanyaan siapa yang melaporkan rumor tersebut kepada inkuisitor pertama kali.
  • In 1588, Pope Sixtus V established 15 congregations of the Roman Curia of which the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Roman and Universal Inquisition was one.
    Pada 1588, Paus Siktus V mendirikan 15 kongregasi Kuria Romawi dimana Kongregasi Mahkamah Suci Roma dan Inkuisitor Universal adalah salah satunya.
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