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inkuisitor bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "inkuisitor"
  • Practically, the grand inquisitor downstairs.
    Bisa dibilang inkuisitor agung di bawah sana. Picasso dengan pisau cukur.
  • Men from the inquisitor, they are in the village.
    Utusan Inkuisitor, mereka ada di desa.
  • The inquisitor Inoue, demanded repeated vows of apostasy from him.
    Inkuisitor Inoue meminta sumpah berulang-ulang untuk murtad.
  • I must not speak about the business of the inquisitor's office.
    Aku tidak membicarakan tentang urusan kantor Inkuisitor.
  • After 1200, a Grand Inquisitor headed each Inquisition.
    Sesudah akhir abad ke-15, seorang Inkuisitor Agung mengepalai tiap inkuisisi.
  • It's true. He spoke against god to the inquisitor,
    Betul, dia bicara melawan Tuhan di depan Inkuisitor di Vesana.
  • And you, honorable inquisitor, do not seem to know Christianity.
    Dan anda, Yang terhormat Inkuisitor, tidak mengetahui tentang Kekristenan.
  • I heard the inquisitor sent his men for you. Was there trouble?
    Aku dengar Inkuisitor mengirim orang suruhan padamu.
  • My whole family... The inquisitor, Inoue, wanted us to give up our faith.
    Seluruh keluargaku, Inkuisitor ingin kita meninggalkan iman kita.
  • His lordship, the inquisitor, he praises it. He says it is well done.
    Dan juga Inkuisitor, dia mengaguminya, dia bilang bagus.
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