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  • Wong Tung quit his job after he got married.
    ..Wong Tung berhenti bekerja selepas menikah.
  • After Mom died, Dad wanted me to join him.
    Selepas Ibu meninggal, ayah mahu aku bergabung dengannya.
  • After submitting it I turn my phone off.
    Selepas serahkannya Aku matikan telefon bimbit aku.
  • But out of that pain came something beautiful
    Tapi selepas rasa sakit itu datang sesuatu yang indah
  • After he made the call, we ordered take-away for him.
    Selepas dia buat panggilan, kami diperintahkan membawanya.
  • Not after what you did to me. (Others oohing)
    Selepas apa awak lakukan terhadap saya.
  • I'll call you in a few hours, Jer.
    Aku akan telefon selepas beberapa jam, Jer.
  • What have you been doing after school for months?
    Apa yang kau lakukan selepas sekolah selama berbulan-bulan?
  • You go tell that brother ofyours, he's mine after school.
    Katakan pada adikmu, temui aku selepas sekolah.
  • Milkshakes taste extra good after a snowball fight.
    Susu kocok terasa lebih enak selepas pertempuran bola salju.
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