Masuk Daftar

selepas bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "selepas"
  • Once our competition ends, can't we meet up?
    Kan kita boleh jumpa selepas tamat pertandingan ?
  • I expect you're tired of it, after all these years.
    Aku berharap kau bosan, selepas bertahun-tahun.
  • Alright, I'll meet you at the hospital after work.
    Baik, aku segera ke RS selepas kerja.
  • Went for a walk outside after eating dinner.
    keluar mengambil angin di luar selepas makan malam.
  • After that, it's every old dog for himself.
    selepas itu, bergantung anjing anjing tua nak apa.
  • After mom's death, I was surrounded by corpses.
    Selepas kematian mak, aku dikelilingi oleh mayat mayat.
  • You mean, after he destroys the other side?
    Maksudmu selepas dia musnahkan alam sebelah sana? Ya.
  • That's the only way to get to the afterlife.
    Itu saja jalannya ke dunia selepas mati.
  • You see, even after all the terrible things I do,
    Selepas semua kejahatan yang aku buat,
  • Okay, repeat after me, "I", sing your name.
    Okey, ulang selepas saya, "Saya", nyanyikan nama kamu.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5