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117 bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "117"
  • Gsa 117,northeast three,descend pilot's discretion,direct jfk.
    GSA 117, timur laut 3, pilot menurunkan ketinggian, menuju JFK.
  • 117, he was at the height of dangerous levels.
    117, kau ada di ketinggian yang berbahaya.
  • This derailment killed 2 passengers and injured 117.
    Penggelinciran ini menewaskan 2 penumpang dan melukai 117.
  • Victim 117, Yu Fook Law, Monoceros Universe.
    Korban 117, Yu Fook Law, Alam Semesta Monoceros.
  • Mr. Paulson,I've lost comm with gsa 117.
    Tuan Paulson, aku kehilangan komunikasi dengan GSA 117.
  • It is 117 days from the beginning of this trip.
    Sudah 117 hari.. ..dari awal perjalanan ini
  • 117, fire protection system is working on it?
    Sistem peringatan kebakaran di pesawat 117 berfungsi?
  • 117, which allows landing at the airport of Petropavlovsk.
    117, diizinkan mendarat di bandara Petropavlovsk.
  • There are 117 autonomous counties and three autonomous banners.
    Terdapat 117 kabupaten otonomi dan tiga spanduk otonomi.
  • There are 118 civil parishes in Suffolk Coastal.
    Terdapat 117 kabupaten otonomi di Tiongkok Daratan.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5