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3 bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "3"
  • I dialed three numbers. I dialed my mum.
    Saya menghubungi 3 nomor. Saya menghubungi ibu saya.
  • So anyway, we found activity in three brain regions.
    Kita menemukan aktivitas di 3 area otak.
  • We got our first panel out on December third.
    Kami menghasilkan panel pertama pada 3 Desember.
  • This was done in like two or three days.
    Ini diselesaikan dalam 2 atau 3 hari.
  • And they are around three billion such letters long.
    Panjang genom itu sekitar 3 miliar huruf.
  • We even built a theater there -- 3D movie.
    Kita bahkan membangun teater-- film 3 dimensi.
  • And three days later, Mubarak was forced to step down.
    Dan 3 hari kemudian, Mubarak dilengserkan.
  • There was a time when I woulda caught all three.
    Dulu aku bisa menangkap 3 sekaligus.
  • Majestic Hotel, three stars, a knife and a fork.
    Hotel Majestic, bintang 3, pisau dan garpu.
  • Not some nut who takes on three Tigers!
    Tidak gila, siapa yg mau mengalahkan 3 Tiger!
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5