aula persatuan bahasa Inggris
- aula: auditorium; hall; meeting hall; mansion;
- persatuan: association; coalescence; incorporation; society;
- aula: auditorium; hall; meeting hall; mansion; residence; mansion house; manse
- aula konvensi: convention hall
- aula mahasiswa: student hall
- aula pertemuan: assembly hall
- hall/aula: hallway; hall; auditorium
- persatuan: association; coalescence; incorporation; society; trade union; union; unification; tie-up; sexual union; bloc; jointure; organization; tie; conjugation; confederation; guild; coupling; order; gild;
- aula aleksandar nikolić: aleksandar nikolić hall
- aula istana osaka: osaka-jō hall
- aula penyejuk hati: hall of mental cultivation
- masjid al-aula: al-aula mosque
- bahasa persatuan: unitary language
- majelis persatuan: pyidaungsu hluttaw
- patung persatuan: statue of unity