persatuan bahasa Inggris
- We're announcing the sale after the World Unity Festival.
Kami mengumumkan penjualan setelah Persatuan Dunia Festival. - A colour has emerged, and it is spreading converged
Sebuah warna telah muncul, dan menyebarkan persatuan. - Union of European companies, the American establishment, and Russia.
Persatuan perusahaan Eropa, pembentukan Amerika, dan Rusia. - The police union picnic's coming up this weekend.
piknik persatuan polisi di adakan akhir pekan ini. - But the strength of the union cannot be known
Tapi kekuatan dari persatuan tidak akan diketahui - Deittailkaa Brotherhood of the law, then you will stay.
Kau kencani cowok persatuan, kalian boleh tinggal. - You know what? In that same spirit of unity,
Kau tahu, dalam semangat persatuan yang sama, - ...swear allegiance to the Republic of the United Netherlands.
... Bersumpah setia kepada Republik Persatuan Belanda. - Saul Gundermutt, head of the Security Officers Trade Association.
Saul Gundermutt, Kepala Petugas Keamanan Persatuan Dagang. - When the church forbade the union, he renounced God.
Saat gereja melarang persatuan, dia meninggalkan Tuhan.
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