Masuk Daftar

baca bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "baca"
  • Three years old, he can read the funny papers.
    Tiga tahun, dia sudah bisa baca kartun.
  • Reads, "AF is having trouble with its freshwater condenser."
    baca, "AF lg bermasalah dgn pemurni airnya."
  • I have the progress report on the reading program.
    Aku ada laporan perkembangan dalam program baca.
  • I read words like "revenge." "Sweet, lasting revenge."
    Aku baca kata-kata seperti "pembalasan." "Manis, pembalasan terakhir."
  • I've read all about your adventure on Air Force One.
    Aku baca "Petualangan-mu di Pesawat Presiden".
  • It was an anonymous letter, but I read it!
    Ini surat kaleng, tapi akan ku baca!
  • So why'd he lock himself in the den?
    Lalu mengapa dia mengunci diri di ruang baca?
  • Evan, read the copy, please. The copy's good. Just read it.
    Evan, cukup baca salinannya saja.
  • "Read it quickly, I want to meet my son.
    Cepat baca. Aku mau bertemu anakku. Baik.
  • What, are you insane? - No chance, Trinke! (laughing)
    Aku baca koran bahwa Tonochy sudah ditutup
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5