bagi2 bahasa Inggris
- bagi-bagi: divide up; circulate; distribute
- bagi yesus kuserahkan: all for jesus, all for jesus
- bagian: divvy; section; subdivision; allotment; department; fragment; leg; movement; part; portion; proportion; pt.; segment; share; side; slice; sub; work; pieces; constituent; division; chapter; sectional
- bagi yang kuat: to the stronger
- bagian . yang berbeda: different part of the
- bagi tuhan di tempat tinggi: to god on high
- bagian 1: section 1
- bagi siapapun: for any individual
- bagian 2: section 2
- Winners of ATM win prize program Period 16 January-15 February 2019
Pemenang Program ATM Bagi2 Hadiah Periode 16 Jan'19 – 15 Feb'19