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balada bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "balada"
  • You're as strong of a balladeer as I am?
    Kau sama kuat dari balada seperti saya?
  • It's power-ballad night at the ace of clubs.
    Ini malam lagu balada di Ace of club.
  • That is the stuff of a wonderful, tragic ballad.
    ltulah balada yang menarik dan tragis.
  • They can write a ballad about us -
    Mereka dapat menulis balada tentang kami -
  • The ballad is very simple, dramatic and illustrative.
    Balada ini sangat sederhana, dramatis, dan ilustratif.
  • I've decided to compose "The Ballad of Bowen"!
    Sudah kuputuskkan untuk menulis "Balada Bowen"!
  • Forever, let this ballad of love play on
    Selamanya, biarkan ini balada cinta bermain
  • Appalachian murder ballads, but it was touching.
    Lagu balada pembunuhan Appalachian, tapi lagunya mengharukan.
  • You should see me sing rock ballads.
    Anda harus melihat saya menyanyikan balada rock.
  • Many ballads were written and sold as single sheet broadsides.
    Balada banyak ditulis dan dijual sebagai selembar broadsides.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5