Masuk Daftar

barat bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "barat"
  • Come on. In the Western world, we have enough.
    Ayolah. Di dunia Barat, kita sudah berkecukupan.
  • Well, basically the East was swallowed by the West.
    Yah, pada dasarnya Timur ditelan oleh Barat.
  • Forty paces west of Blindman's Bluff.
    Empat puluh langkah ke arah barat menuju Jurang Pria Buta.
  • I think that was farther west, in the Sierras.
    Kukira agak jauh ke Barat, di Sierras.
  • All the top doors are shut to Western journalists.
    Semua bagian atas pintu tertutup wartawan Barat.
  • He's in the Old West, but he's alive.
    Dia di Old Barat, tapi dia masih hidup.
  • Well, you shouldn't have been in the west wing!
    Nah, Anda seharusnya tidak di sayap barat!
  • I thought all our colonial scouts were in the militia.
    Aku menuju ke barat ke Can-tuck-ee.
  • One from the west and one from the north.
    Satu dari barat dan satu dari utara.
  • He's gone west to spend his ill-gotten gains.
    Dia pergi ke barat untuk menghabiskan keuntungan haramnya.
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