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berasa bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "berasa"
  • He didn't so much as blink over Vegeta's attack!
    Whoa, serangan Vegeta seperti tak berasa baginya.
  • And these packs won't be here much longer.
    ..dan gerombolan ini takkan lama berasa di sini.
  • We have some sugar, "Oh, I feel better."
    kita makan gula, "oh, aku berasa lebih baik"
  • And the wine really brings out the cherry flavor doesn't it?
    anggurnya benar-benar berasa cherry bukan?
  • Now you're gonna feel a little stick here.
    Sekarang kamu akan berasa sebatang kayu kecil di sini.
  • Uh, I'll come back when she's feeling better.
    Eh, saya akan kembali apabila dia berasa lebih baik.
  • So often you won't even notice it.
    sangat sering sampai kau tidak akan berasa lagi.
  • He jests at scars that never felt the wound. Romeo!
    Dia bercanda pada parut yang berasa luka.
  • I feel a little bit lost without her.
    Aku berasa sedikit kehilangan arah tuju tanpanya.
  • We got into a fight as well. Beat up two guys.
    Memukuli dua orang. berasa gue banget.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5