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berjalur bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "berjalur"
  • berjalur-jalur:    striped; stripy
  • sintar berjalur:    band-bellied crake
  • burung camar berjalur:    roseate tern
  • burung kedidi ekor berjalur:    bar-tailed godwit
  • burung rimba berjalur:    pin-striped tit-babbler
  • berjalin:    interweave; interweaved; interweaving; interlace; entwine; lace; enlace; intertwine; twine
  • berjalaran:    broadcast; spread out; circularise; unfold; spread; pass around; fan out; disperse; open; diffuse; distribute; circularize; disseminate; propagate; circulate; go around; scatter; overspread
  • berjalar-jalar:    spread out; broadcast; circularise; unfold; spread; pass around; fan out; disperse; open; diffuse; distribute; circularize; disseminate; circulate; propagate; go around; scatter; overspread
  • berjam-jam:    for hours; long hours of; hours
  • berjalanan:    on purney
  • berjambul:    crested
  • berjalan/tersiar:    move; walk
  • berjamjam:    during the hours
  • Women Medium Hooded Cashmere Coat China Manufacturer
    China Kotak kasmir wanita berjalur sederhana Manufacturers
  • Striped Wrapped Front-tie Cropped Blouse – Lupsona
    Baju Belang dibalut berjalur Striped - Lupsona
  • Fashion Cotton Yarn Dyed Fabric,Fashion Striped Material,Cotton Striped Textile For Men
    ,Bahan berjalur fesyen,Tekstil Cotton Striped For Men
  • This long leisure hooded coat with mink flower is the preferred
    Kot baju berjalur panjang dengan bunga mink ini lebih disukai
  • This striped sweater in soft blue tones is waiting for you.
    Sweater berjalur ini dalam warna biru lembut sedang menunggu untuk anda.
  • Black Hoodie Sweatshirt,PSE Hooded Sweater,PSE Archery Sweatshirt
    Sweaterhirt Hoodie Hitam Sweater berjalur PSE PSE Memanah Sweatshirt Sweaterhirt Athletic Wanita Ketua Anodized Hitam Quarter Zip Hoodie PSE Drawstring Hoodie Hoodie Hitam dan Kelabu
  • Well, there's a crater lake on the surface, and, yeah, the vents that feed the lake lead directly down there.
    Ada lubang danau di permukaan. Ya, ventilasi danau yang berjalur langsung ke bawah sana.
  • Squeaky red juice, striped straws, sun, summer … Rhubarb juice looks great, tastes delicious and works very fast.
    Jus merah jernih, jerami berjalur, matahari, musim panas … Jus rempah kelihatan hebat, rasanya lezat dan berfungsi dengan cepat.
  • This dark blue Petit Bateau jacket is made of fine knitwear. Round neckline, sleeves and hem are equipped with ribbed cuffs. The sweater for babies has a placket and keeps you warm.
    Ini biru gelap Petit Bateau jaket diperbuat daripada pakaian rajut halus. garis leher bulat, lengan dan hem dilengkapi dengan manset berjalur. The sweater untuk bayi mempunyai placket dan memanaskan kamu.
  • These multicolored Paul Smith Junior sweater with horizontal stripes gemustert- The V-neck, button placket and cuffs and hem are trimmed with ribbed cuffs. The jacket for babies is fine knit and keeps you warm.
    Ini sweater Paul Smith Junior pelbagai warna dengan jalur mendatar gemustert- V-leher, butang placket dan manset dan hem dipotong dengan manset berjalur. Jaket untuk bayi adalah bersatu halus dan memanaskan kamu.
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